The Ultimate Guide to Judgment Collection

A gavel sitting on a laptop, in front of the scales of justice and a skyline view of a city behind it.


Welcome to the ultimate guide on judgment collection. We will explore the process of collecting a court-ordered judgment, the various methods used to enforce a judgment, and the challenges that may arise.

Suppose you have recently won a lawsuit and are seeking to collect your judgment or are a creditor seeking to enforce a court-ordered judgment. In that case, this article provides valuable insights and tips on navigating the complex world of judgment collection.

Definition of Judgment Collection - Judgment collection is enforcing a court order requiring a debtor to pay the judgment creditor a sum of money or surrender specific property belonging to the debtor. It is the final stage of a civil lawsuit where the winning party, also known as the judgment creditor, seeks to collect the money or property that the losing party, the judgment debtor, owes.

Importance of Judgment Collection - Judgment collection is crucial because it ensures the winning party receives the compensation they are entitled to in a civil lawsuit. It also serves as a deterrent to those considering failing to pay a debt or ignoring a legal obligation, as they could face enforcement actions and penalties.

Basic Information on Judgment Collection - The process typically involves several steps, such as identifying the debtor's assets, sending a demand letter, filing a lien, seizing personal property, garnishing wages, and levying bank accounts. The enforcement methods available to the judgment creditor vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of debt owed.

Overview of the Article - This article will explore the ins and outs of judgment collection, including how to collect a judgment, how to work with a judgment collection agency or service, the costs involved, and the challenges one may encounter during the process. We will also discuss how to find help collecting a judgment and the different judgment collection services available.

How Do You Collect a Judgment?

If you have won a judgment, the next step is to collect it. Judgment collection, or judgment enforcement, involves various legal procedures and methods to enforce the court-ordered judgment. Here are the critical steps involved in collecting a judgment:

Definition of Judgment Enforcement - Judgment enforcement is the legal process of collecting a court-ordered judgment from the losing party in a lawsuit. This process involves several steps, including obtaining the necessary legal documents, serving the debtor with notice, and using various collection methods to seize the debtor's assets and enforce the judgment.

Judgment Enforcement Procedures - To begin the judgment enforcement process, you must obtain a court order, such as a money judgment or a property lien, outlining the debtor's obligation to pay the winning party. The court will issue a writ of execution, which authorizes the sheriff or other enforcement officer to seize the debtor's assets and use them to pay the judgment.

Judgment Form and Legal Document Filing - To enforce a judgment, you must file the necessary legal documents, such as a writ of execution, with the court. These documents should be filed in the same county where the judgment was obtained.

Notice and Service of Process - You must notify the debtor before acting to enforce the judgment. This involves serving the debtor with a copy of the writ of execution and other legal documents. You may need to hire a process server or sheriff to deliver the documents.

Collection Process - Once you have notified the debtor, you can begin the collection process. This involves using various methods to seize the debtor's assets, such as personal property or bank accounts, to pay the judgment. The most common collection methods include wage garnishment, bank account levies, and the sale of specific property belonging to the debtor.

Enforcement and Collection Methods - The methods used for enforcing and collecting a judgment vary depending on the jurisdiction and the type of judgment obtained. For example, in some cases, a judgment creditor may need to obtain a lien on the debtor's real property or work with a bankruptcy court to collect the judgment. You need to consult a judgment collection agency or an attorney for guidance on your case's most effective enforcement and collection methods.

A man in a blue dress shirt, signing several documents in front of him.

How Do I Collect My Judgment?

If you have won a lawsuit and obtained a judgment, the next step is to collect the money owed to you. Here are the steps to follow:

Judgment Creditor Rights and Collection Options - As a judgment creditor, you have various rights and options to collect the money owed to you. These options include wage garnishment, bank account seizure, property lien, and sale of the property.

Identification of Judgment Debtor's Assets - Before you can collect your judgment, you need to identify the assets of the judgment debtor. This can be done by searching public records and using other investigative methods.

Seizure of Judgment Debtor's Assets - Once you have identified the judgment debtor's assets, you can begin seizing them. This can be done by filing a writ of execution with the court and having the county sheriff seize the assets.

Wage Garnishment and Bank Account Seizure - Wage garnishment and bank account seizure are standard judgment collection methods. You must have a court order to garnish wages, and the employer must be notified. To seize a bank account, you must have a court order and provide notice to the bank.

Property Lien and Sale of Property - Placing a lien on the property of the judgment debtor is another method of enforcing a judgment. This can prevent the debtor from selling or transferring the property until the judgment is satisfied. If the debtor does not pay the judgment, you may be able to force the sale of the property to satisfy the debt.

How Can I Select a Judgment Collection Agency?

If you have a judgment you are struggling to collect, working with a judgment collection agency can be a good option. But with so many agencies to choose from, how do you know which one to work with? Here are some key criteria to consider when selecting a judgment collection agency:

Criteria for Selecting a Judgment Collection Agency

  • Experience: Look for an agency with experience collecting judgments similar to yours.
  • Success Rate: Check the agency's success rate in collecting judgments.
  • Fees: Compare the agency's fees to those of other agencies.
  • Professionalism: Choose an agency that maintains a professional demeanor and communicates clearly with you.

Reputation and Credibility of Judgment Collection Agencies

Professionalism and Experience of Judgment Collection Agencies

  • Look for a well-established agency that has been in business for several years.
  • Ensure the agency has trained and experienced staff.
  • Choose an agency that maintains high professionalism in communicating with you and the judgment debtor.

Comparison of Judgment Collection Agency Options

  • Ensure the agency you choose is transparent about its process and communicates clearly with you throughout the process.
  • Choose an agency that specializes in collecting the type of judgment you have.

By carefully considering these criteria, you can select a judgment collection agency that will provide you the best chance of successfully collecting your judgment.

Multiple one hundred dollar bills spread out across the entire view of the picture.

How Much Does a Judgment Collection Agency Charge?

You might consider hiring a judgment collection agency to help you if you want to collect on a judgment. The cost is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a collection agency. This section will discuss the different fees and charges associated with judgment collection agencies.

Overview of Judgment Collection Agency Fees

There are various fees that a judgment collection agency might impose when working on your case. Some standard fees include:

  • Contingency fees: A percentage of the total collected, usually between 50-65%.
  • Hourly fees: Some collection agencies charge an hourly rate, typically between $100 and $300 per hour.
  • Flat fees: Some collection agencies charge a flat fee for their services.

Fee Structures of Judgment Collection Agencies

Most judgment collection agencies use a contingency fee structure. They only get paid if they successfully collect on your judgment. The percentage they charge can vary based on the size of the debt and other factors.

Hourly fees are less common, but some collection agencies may charge them if they anticipate that the collection process will be lengthy or complicated. Flat fees are also less common and are usually reserved for more straightforward, lower-value cases.

Hidden Costs and Expenses of Judgment Collection Agencies

In addition to the standard fees, other expenses may be associated with working with a judgment collection agency. For example, they may charge court filing fees, skip tracing fees (to locate the debtor), or fees for using a sheriff or other third party to enforce a judgment.

It's important to carefully review contracts or agreements with a judgment collection agency to understand the costs involved.

Comparison of Judgment Collection Agency Fees

Before choosing a judgment collection agency, ask about all the costs involved, including hidden fees or expenses. When deciding, you'll also want to consider the agency's reputation, experience, and success rate.


Collecting a judgment can be complex and challenging, but various options and resources are available to help judgment creditors. Judgment collection agencies and services can be a valuable tool in recovering the debt owed, and it's essential to consider factors such as reputation, experience, and fees when selecting an agency.

Additionally, government and non-profit resources are available for those needing help with judgment collection. Persistence, patience, and a willingness to overcome obstacles are essential when collecting a judgment. Overall, collecting a judgment with the right approach and resources is possible.

Alternatively, you can sell your judgment to The Judgment Solutions for cash upfront, saving you the challenge of enforcing the judgment yourself. We've been collecting money from debtors for years with a solid track record of success, multiple glowing reviews, and a reputation to be proud of. Contact us for a no-obligation quote on your judgment.

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